60 min

60 min

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60 min
  • C2 Learn to Fly with Ryan M

    Let your core stabilize and guide you through a hip opening flow to find lightness in Flying Pigeon.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Flying Pigeon, Crow
    target areas: hips, core, upper body
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before pract...

  • YSB Bodyweight Work with Ryan M

    Engage your glutes and thighs to blast your lower body with a heart pumping bodyweight sequence.

    suggested props: none
    target areas: lower body, legs, glutes
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YSB Core Challenge with Kayla P

    Challenge your endurance and train your lower body through dynamic bodyweight exercises guided by breath.

    suggested props: none
    target areas: 360 core, legs, glutes
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Inversion Practice with Adrianne D

    Awaken your body and mind through inversions that will challenge your core stability.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Chin Stand, Half Moon, Wheel
    target areas: shoulders, backline, hips
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C1 Unlock Warrior One with Laura M

    Strengthen your core and train your body alignment to move into Warrior One.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Warrior One, Crow Pose, Dancer's Pose
    target areas: hips, legs, core
    sweat level: 1

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Work Toward Flying Pigeon with Khushbu M

    Contract and expand through a detoxifying flow as you work into Wheel and Flying Pigeon.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Flying Pigeon, Wheel
    target areas: hips, upper Body, core
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YSB Endurance & Strength with Ryan J

    Create a deep burn in your low body and increase endurance as you breathe through an intense cardio workout.

    suggested props: none
    target areas: cardio, legs, glutes
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Wild Thing with Claire E

    Practice heart opening backbends as you find balance and strength in vulnerability.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Wild Thing
    target areas: shoulders, heart openers
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Balance & Backbends with Lisa B

    Engage your core and expand your heart as you work toward Wheel and Headstand.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Fallen star, Half Moon, Exalted Crescent, Headstand, Wheel
    target areas: core, heart Openers
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your docto...

  • HPF Mind Body Detox with Keira P

    Open up your hips and spine with mindful, slow movement to create more flexibility in your body and deepen your practice.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Tree Pose, Floor Bow
    target areas: full body
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor be...

  • YSB Oblique Burn with Claire E

    Work your side body and deep core while giving your heart a powerful cardio boost.

    suggested props: none
    target areas: Oblique/side body and plank core
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Practice Big Toe Pose with Melvin R

    Open your hamstrings and engage your core through your journey toward Big Toe Pose.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Big Toe Pose, Pigeon, Headstand
    target areas: hamstrings, core, upper back & triceps
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor b...

  • YSB Mind & Body Strength with Sarra R

    Create a deep burn through your full body to find clarity of mind as you focus on your 360 core.

    suggested props: none
    target areas: 360 core
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C1 Full Body Balance with Amy O

    Explore the balance between effort and ease as you move with your breath.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Side Plank, Crow, Warrior 1, Camel
    target areas: upper & lower body + 360 core
    sweat level: 1

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YSB Core & Heart Strength with Amy O

    Engage your full 360 core and strengthen your cardiovascular endurance.

    suggested props: none
    target areas: lower body, inner thighs, outer thighs, glutes, 360 core
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Strength for Flying Squirrel with Chelsea S

    Slow down to build intense heat and integrate your breath - tools you'll need to support you in trying on Sidecrow and Flying Squirrel.

    suggested props: 1 block
    poses: Side Crow, Flying Squirrel, Birds of Paradise
    target areas: quads, hamstrings, transverse abs
    sweat level: 3

    If you have...

  • C3 Side Crow to Fly with Lisa B

    Create space in your hips and use your core to take flight in Side Crow and Flying Pigeon.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Side Crow, Flying Pigeon, Wheel
    target areas: hips, core
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YS Core & Cardio with Keira P

    Bring on the cardio! Condition your core and get your heart pumping with an intense full body Sculpt.

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: 360 core, cardio, legs, glutes, upper body
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Eight Angle Pose with Amy O

    Explore the layers of Eight Angle Pose while you energize your backline and open your eyes to new possibilities in your body.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Eagle, Reclined Big Toe Pose
    target areas: hamstrings, inner & outer thighs, shoulders
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues o...

  • C2 Forearm Stand with Samson F

    Learn to accept challenge and trust your breath as you work toward Forearm Stand.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Forearm Stand, Wheel
    target areas: inner thighs, shoulders, triceps, core
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practic...

  • YS Side Body Strength with Heather P

    Lean into an intense 360 core challenge as you blast through cardio circuits and exercises designed to strengthen your side body.

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: side body, 360 core
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before prac...

  • C2 Handstand to Hurdler's with Kathryn S

    Ground down, build awareness and work your core to lift off into Handstand and Hurdler's.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Handstand, Hurdler's
    target areas: hamstrings, inner thighs
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YS Whole Body Strength with Samson F

    Turn up the heat to challenge and energize your entire body with a mix of weighted flow, cardio and strength building moves.

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: Full body
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Firefly with Keira P

    Get in the flow, find expansion and the courage to fly.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Skandasana, Reclined Crow Pose, Reclined Big Toe Pose, Shoulder Pressing Pose, Firefly
    target areas: hamstrings, outer & inner thighs, shoulders
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregna...