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Watch this video and more on CorePower Yoga On Demand

C2 Be Free with Bri L

Open Your Heart • 52m

Up Next in Open Your Heart

  • C2 King Pigeon with Kathryn S

    Work open your hips and shoulders to build strength and expansion for King Pigeon.

    suggested props: none
    poses: King Pigeon, Forearm Plank
    target areas: hips, shoulders, backline strength,
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before pra...

  • C2 Mermaid with Kat S

    Tap into your core and open up your frontline to power up your foundation and find Mermaid Pose.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Mermaid, Forearm Stand
    target areas: backline, open chest, hips
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before pr...

  • C2 Full Heart Expansion with Sarra R

    Find length and love from head to toe as you work into heart openers.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Funky Prasarita, Melting heart, Wheel
    target areas: back, core, heart openers
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.