Ground your body and mind in the present moment - all you need is your breath.
Intro to Meditation Part 3: Open to Boundlessness with Julie C
Intro to Meditation Part 2: Connect to The World with Julie C
Intro to Meditation Part 1: Ground Into Self with Julie C
Guided Meditation: Focus on Your Wellbeing with Beth O
Metta Guided Meditation with Emily S
Warmth & Kindness Meditation with Emily S
Guided Meditation: Alternate Nostril Breathing with Emily S
Guided Meditation: Clear & Present with Emily S
Guided Meditation: Focus on Self Care with Galen K
Guided Meditation: Learn Ujjayi Breath with Galen K
Guided Meditation: Body Scan with Emily S
Allow yourself to feel grounded, supported and present as you���re guided through a body scan meditation. Great way to start or end your day. Helps aid in feeling rested, presence for the mind and body and promotes healing.
Guided Meditation: Breathing for Stress Relief with Emily S
Learn to breath fully and completely with this complete yogic breathing. Helps to access all breathing muscles, creates a sense of warmth, grounding and spaciousness. This breath will help to reduce stress, bring presence, is a great warm up before more advanced breathwork or a yoga practice and ...
Moving Meditation
Release tension in your body and fire up your breath in this dynamic moving meditation.
Emotional Wellbeing
Tend to your emotional wellness and drop into breath in this guided meditation.
Meditation For Peace
Cultivate peace and stillness through the journey of breath.
Cultivate Compassion
Breathe into compassion and love in this guided meditation.
Open Mind and Body
Free your mind and body with this guided meditation.
Let Go of Stress
Let worries melt away through breath and elevated mindfulness in this guided meditation.
Lean Into Love
Expand your heart's capacity with this guided meditation.
Find Healing
Heal your body and mind through a guided meditation.
Create Connection
Connect with self and find your center through this guided meditation.
Clear Your Energy Field
Clear negative energy from your body in this guided meditation.
Breathe Into Acceptance
Practice acceptance and letting go through breath and guided meditation.
8 Breaths to Joy
Follow an eight breath guided journey to joy.