C2 Focused Movement with Damon J
Hip Hip Hooray
1h 1m
Move with focus and grace, trying on new shapes in your body and opening up through your inner and outer hips.
suggested props: none
poses: Revolved Half Moon, Baby Grasshopper, Side Crow, 8 Angle Pose, Tripod Headstand
target areas: hips, hamstrings
sweat level: 3
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.
Up Next in Hip Hip Hooray
C2 Frontline Open with Bri L
Nurture your body by flowing with intention and activating your heart through breath.
suggested props: none
poses: Airplane, King Pigeon
target areas: shoulders, hips, backline
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing. -
C2 Hip Healing with Kada O
Give yourself 20 minutes to drop into your body and breath into the sensations of inner and outer hip opening.
suggested props: none
poses: Baby Grasshopper
target areas: outer hips, triceps
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before p... -
C2 Mermaid with Kat S
Tap into your core and open up your frontline to power up your foundation and find Mermaid Pose.
suggested props: none
poses: Mermaid, Forearm Stand
target areas: backline, open chest, hips
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before pr...