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Watch this video and more on CorePower Yoga On Demand

C2 Working Into Wheel with Sarra R

20 min • 21m

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  • C2 Building Optimism with Claire E

    Create back body length and space to expand your hamstrings and glutes as you work toward Extended Big Toe Pose.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Side Plank with Extended Big Toe Pose
    target areas: core, hamstrings, inner thighs
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, p...

  • YS Upper Body Expansion with Sarra R

    Find balance through contraction and expansion of the upper body to open up through your back and shoulders.

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: arms, chest, back, shoulders
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YS Building Your Backline with Claire E

    Customize a quick Sculpt sequence to challenge your side body and backline - choose your own adventure!

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: side body & back line strength
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.