Jonathan M

Jonathan M

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Jonathan M
  • YSB Grounded Hips with Jonathan M

  • YS Engage Your Stabilizers with Jonathan M

  • C2 Reset Your Core with Jonathan M

    Work on your stabilizer muscles and hone your breath to guide you through balancing postures.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Half Moon, Airplane, Wheel
    target areas: core, hamstrings
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C1 Simplicity with Jonathan M

    Fire up your core, clear your mind, and strengthen your flow in a quick 30 minutes.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Dancer's Pose, Half Moon, Wheel
    target areas: lower body, hamstrings
    sweat level: 1

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Revolved Dancer's with Jonathan M

    Detoxify your body using breath and twists to open up your heart.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Airplane, Dancer's Pose
    target areas: lower body
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YS Stability & Simplicity with Jonathan M

    Train your low body and create stability in your core through focused, intentional movement.

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: glutes, hamstrings, hips
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • HPF Classic with Jonathan M

    Enjoy a slow flow to hone your breath and practice a classic Hot Power Fusion sequence.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Eagle Bound Airplane, Dancer's Pose, Forehead to Knee Pose, Standing Splits, Crow Pose
    target areas: core, hamstrings, glutes
    sweat level: 1

    If you have any health issues ...