YS Oblique Work with Robbie M
20 min
Take a quick time out for yourself to tone your side bodies and fire up your glutes.
suggested props: weights
target areas: obliques and core
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.
Up Next in 20 min
C2 Power & Balance with Ryan M
Challenge the strength of your core and feel the power of your upper body with a quick flow.
suggested props: none
poses: Warrior 3 Drills, 1 Legged Crow
target areas: upper body & core
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practi... -
C2 Quick Energy Boost with Lara G
Expand through your chest and heart, building alignment and deep strength through your core for Forearm Stand.
suggested props: none
poses: Forearm Stand
target areas: hips, chest
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing -
C1.5 Daily Flow with Emily S
Practice body balancing breath work and create grounded presence with a full body flow.
suggested props: none
poses: NA
target areas: full body, Ayurveda balancing
sweat level: 1
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.