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Watch this video and more on CorePower Yoga On Demand

C2 20 Grounded Balance with Kate F

CorePower Yoga 2 • 22m

Up Next in CorePower Yoga 2

  • C2 Twist & Lengthen with Tia B

    Twist and lengthen your body and spine, opening up through your heart and releasing tension.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Exalted Warrior, Full Airplane, Humble Warrior, Revolved Dancer's, Wheel
    target areas: full body
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please ...

  • C2 Strengthen to Expand with Courtney C

    Create a strong foundation so you can expand and grow into Wheel Pose.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Crow Pose, Wheel Pose, Dancer's Pose
    target areas: quads, chest, backline
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • C2 Focused Movement with Damon J

    Move with focus and grace, trying on new shapes in your body and opening up through your inner and outer hips.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Revolved Half Moon, Baby Grasshopper, Side Crow, 8 Angle Pose, Tripod Headstand
    target areas: hips, hamstrings
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health...