21 Days to Crow

21 Days to Crow

21 Seasons

Welcome to your Crow Pose Series! Whether you’re just starting your yoga journey or you’ve been at it awhile, these classes will prepare your body for Crow Pose and the world of inversions. You’ll build strength, tone your arms and work your core. By Day 21 you’ll have the confidence and stability to fly. There are plenty of rest days built in with Core Restore classes and meditations to give your body the opportunity to rejuvenate. If you need an extra day off or if life gets busy, don’t worry, just continue on your journey the next day!

Day 1: YS Full Body Challenge with Melvin R
Day 2: C1 Warrior Flow with Nicole P
Day 3: YS Core and Heart Strength with Amy O
Day 4: C1 360 Hips with Heather P + YS Upper Body Expansion with Sarra R
Day 5: Rest Day + Lean Into Joy Meditation
Day 6: C1.5 Dynamic Core Building with Lara G
Day 7: C1 Balance and Focus with Kat S + Break It Down: Crow
Day 8: C1 Trying on Triangle with Lisa B + YS Building Your Backline with Claire E
Day 9: HPF Mind Body Detox with Keira P
Day 10: YS Core Blast with Bri L
Day 11: C1 Foundational Flow with Heather P + YS Legs with Melvin R
Day 12: CR Support & Surrender with Mary Kathryn B
Day 13: YS Inversion Prep with Lara G
Day 14: C1 Full Body Flow with Kayla P + Break It Down: Crow
Day 15: C2 Breathe Into Strength with Chelsea G + YS Upper Body Transformation with Ryan M
Day 16: C1 Try On Crow with Kayla P + HPF Disciplined Strength with Kathryn S
Day 17: YS Core and Cardio with Keira P
Day 18: C1.5 Ground & Get Upside Down with Catrina R
Day 19: Rest Day + Mindful Movement Meditation
Day 20: C1 Side Body Strength with Adrianne D + C1 Quick Core with Heather P
Day 21: C2 Hips and Hamstrings with Lisa B + CR Refresh & Reset with Mary Kathryn B

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21 Days to Crow
  • C2 Breathe Into Strength with Chelsea G

    Episode 1

    Connect to your deep inner strength through breath with a quick core focused workout.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Warrior 3
    target areas: glutes, inner + outer thighs, 360 core
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.

  • YS Upper Body Transformation with Ryan M

    Episode 2

    Create a deep upper body burn as you tone your muscles to support the rest of your practice.

    suggested props: weights
    target areas: core, upper body
    sweat level: 3

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.