Connect to Breath

Connect to Breath

5 Seasons

As you move through this series, focus on the breath as your guide, taking time to connect back to its power and using it to flow with mindfulness. From C1 to Sculpt you'll become more practiced at aligning with your breath and connect deeper into yourself, learning to use it as your superpower both on and off the mat.

Day 1: C1 Ground & Connect with Margot G (20 min) + Let's Talk Ujjayi Breath
Day 2: YSB Backline Strength with Natalie L (60 min)
Day 3: C2 Breathe Into Strength with Chelsea G (20 min)
Day 4: 8 Breaths to Joy Meditation
Day 5: C2 Hamstring Expansion with Khushbu M (30 mins)

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Connect to Breath
  • C2 Breathe Into Strength with Chelsea G.

    Episode 1

    Connect to your deep inner strength through breath with a quick core focused workout.

    suggested props: none
    poses: Warrior 3
    target areas: glutes, inner + outer thighs, 360 core
    sweat level: 2

    If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before practicing.