7 Days of Meditation

7 Days of Meditation

7 Seasons

Welcome to your guided meditation series, we’re glad you’re here and taking time for yourself. This series is designed to get you comfortable with the practice of mindful meditation; it will teach you to connect with your breath and clear your mind of clutter. Find a quiet place that feels comfortable and return there each day. By the end you will have the tools and comfort you need to make the practice of meditation a part of your everyday routine!

Day 1: Gratitude As a State of Mind

Day 2: Find Your Breath

Day 3: Open Mind and Body

Day 4: Abundance

Day 5: Create Connection

Day 6: Mindful Movement

Day 7: Open Heart

7 Days of Meditation
  • Gratitude as a State of Mind

    Episode 1

    Practice gratitude as a state of mind with subtle, mindful body and breath work in a guided meditation.